El Club de Astronomia - Astronomy Club.

What was the "Star of Bethlehem" that "the three Wise Men" followed?

What was the "Star of Bethlehem" that "the three Wise Men" followed?

There have been many attempts to scientifically explain the Christmas Star, but in this article we will refer to only three of them.

1º Some scholars think that this ‘star’ was a comet, a celestial body whose presence has always been connected with some historical event, such as the birth of kings. However, there is no data that speaks of the presence of any comet that fits the date of the birth of Jesus. For example, Halley’s Comet appeared in 11 BC.

2º Other people believe that the Star of Bethlehem was a grouping of planets that happened on that night. Because the planets orbit the sun at different distances and speeds, they occasionally seem to get closer to each other. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) preferred this possibility. However, the alignment of multiple planets would not look like a single source of light, as described in the Scriptures. Likewise, the alignment of planets are quite frequent and, therefore, not so rare. There was an alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in 6 BC, but still a closer one in 66 BC, long before the date in question.

3rd Finally, the explosion of a star, or supernova, has been proposed to explain the Christmas Star. Many stars are unstable and explode with an intense glow. However, there is no scientific report of a supernova in the year of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Undoubtedly it was a supernatural phenomenon not scientifically explainable, some believe that it was positive because it announced the birth of Jesus, others believe that the appearance of this supernatural object and that according to what is said first served to warn Herod and then "stopped" in the place where the child was born, this almost cost Jesus his life because he warned the monarch of the birth of the Messiah and caused a massacre among children from 2 years of age downwards. (Mat ch. 2)

Fernando Clares

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